(RAVELLO - SEPTEMBER 4 - 16, 2017)

The aim of the school is to give introductive lectures by international experts in the field of Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics. The school is mainly addressed to young researchers.
Four courses will be given in a series of 12 lectures scheduled in the morning of each day.

Courses (click on the title to know the contents):

1a.  part I (6 lectures, week I): "Multi-agent system learning and control: mean-field control and mean-field games",  Massimo Fornasier, (Technische Universität München)
1b. part II (6 lectures, week II): "Kuramoto model of sinchronization: equilibrium and non equilibrium aspects",  Stefano Ruffo (Sissa - Trieste)

2a. - part I (6 lectures, week I): "Introduction to topological fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics. Part 1: Basic notions of fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics", Yasuhide Fukumoto (Kyushu University)
2b. - part II (6 lectures, week II): "Introduction to topological fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics. Part 2 - Recent progress in topological fluid dynamics"Renzo Ricca  (University of Milano-Bicocca)

3a. - part I (6 lectures, week I): "Nonlinear mechanics of sheets and filaments - interplay between geometry and mechanics" Gert Van der Heijden (University College London)
3b. part II (6 lectures, week II): "Self-shaping & energy releases of highly deformed elastic bodies, with applications to material instabilities and Euler’s elastica", Davide Bigoni (University of Trento)

4a. (6 lectures, week I): "Long time behavior of solutions of Vlasov-like equations and related statistical theories",  Emanuele Caglioti  (Università di Roma)
(6 lectures, week II): "Mathematical billiards: ergodicity and renormalization, from polygons to the Ehrenfest model", Corinna Ulcigrai, (University of Bristol)

Classes will be held from Monday to Saturday. Some lectures notes will be available on the first day of the school. Each participant must attend, at least, two courses without interruption and for the entire duration of the school, unless exceptional and justified reasons. All the participants must be active in the seminarial activity during the afternoon. This activity will be organized and driven by the lecturers.


To attend the school you have to send a request by e-mail to not later May 31, 2017,  indicating the two courses you want to attend and if you need a financial support from GNFM. Financial support covering the living expenses and lodging will be available up to 30 young participants. Travel expenses may be refunded only to Italian supported participants. Applications will be examined by the scientific board of GNFM and the final decision will be notified as soon as possible.

Il Direttore del  GNFM                                                     Il Direttore della Scuola

Prof. T. Ruggeri                                                                   Prof.  S. Rionero

Bologna, March 14, 2017