(RAVELLO - SEPTEMBER 16 - 28, 2013)

The aim of the school is to give introductive lectures by international experts in the field of Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics. The school is mainly addressed to young researchers.
Four courses will be given in a series of 12 lectures scheduled in the morning of each day.


1. Solving Boltzmann Equation, the Green's Function Approach
(12 lectures, I and II week) T.-P. Liu (Academia Sinica, Taipei and Stanford University, Palo Alto)

2. Swarming, Flocking and Synchronization Models
- part I (6 lectures, I week): "Hierarchical Models Arising from Flocking and Synchronization: Connection with Statistical Physics and Fluid Mechanics", S. Y. Ha (Seoul National University, Seoul)
- part II (6 lectures, II week): "Swarming Models with Repulsive-Attractive Effects: Derivation, Model Hierarchies and Pattern Stability", J. A. Carrillo (Imperial College, London)

3. The Problem of Dynamics in Quantum Theory
- part I (6 lectures, I week): "Bound States, Scattering, and Friction in Some Models of Nonrelativistic Quantum Electrodynamics", A. Pizzo (University of California, Davis)
- part II (6 lectures, II week): "Quantum Probability Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics", J. Fr�hlich (ETH, Z�rich)

4. Mathematical Problems in Industry and Inverse Problems
- part I (6 lectures, I week): "Some Mathematical Problems in Industry", R. Spigler (University of Rome III, Rome)
- part II (6 lectures, II week): "Uniqueness and Stability in Inverse Problems for 2nd Order Hyperbolic and Petrowski-type Partial Differential Equations via Carleman Estimates", R. Triggiani (University of Memphis, Memphis)

Classes will be held from Monday to Saturday. Some lectures notes will be available on the first day of the school. Each participant must attend, at least, two courses without interruption and for the entire duration of the school, unless exceptional and justified reasons. All the participants must be active in the seminarial activity during the afternoon. This activity will be organized and driven by the lecturers.


To attend the school you have to send a request by e-mail to not later May 31, 2013,  indicating the two courses you want to attend and if you need a financial support from GNFM. Financial support covering the living expenses and lodging will be available up to 30 young participants. Travel expenses may be refunded only to Italian supported participants. Applications will be examined by the scientific board of GNFM and the final decision will be notified as soon as possible.

Il Direttore del GNFM                                                     Il Direttore della Scuola

Prof. T. Ruggeri                                                                   Prof.  S. Rionero

Firenze, March 16 2013